Taking charge of your health
Alarm rings in the morning, you feel lazy to wake up. But you have to. You wish you could sleep for few more minutes. You wake up, brush have tea/coffee and your day starts.
Now you want to do so many things, but only the important/priority work gets done. Exercise, hobbies are some of the things which are not done as priority is not given to them. You need to sit back and think how I can make things possible. Now to make these things possible you need planning and execution. Many people are good only in planning, but there is no execution or vice-versa. You need to do both plus set achievable goals. This also holds true for lifestyle modification. You need to eat right, sleep right and exercise well. Apart from this being happy is very important. Do what you like. Have a dream. Work hard to achieve it. Sleep is very important. But unfortunately it’s the most neglected aspect. You need 6 to 8 hours of sleep. What will happen if you will not charge your mobile. Something similar happens to your body. · Sleep disorders and chronic sleep loss can put you at risk for: · Heart disease · Heart Attack · Heart Failure · High Blood Pressure · Stroke · Diabetes · It can increase accidents, depression etc. Your body needs to be cared, nourished, pampered, and rested. If you neglect, it will start giving up and you are aware of the consequences…